External private candidates
Occasionally we are able to accommodate private candidates.
A PDF version of the application form is provided below. If you have a Gmail email address you can submit an online application...
We charge a non-refundable fee to external private candidates taking examinations at Hartismere.
Please contact the examinations office (exams.officer@hartismere.com) prior to making an application if you have any queries or access requirements.
In this section...
Candidate Information - Coursework Assessments
Candidate Information - Non-examination assessments
Artificial intelligence and assessments
Candidate Information - Written exams
Do the Right Thing - Screenshot podcast
Why Are Wong Kar-Wei Films so Dreamy?
House of Flying Daggers - the value of women
Examinations Test Assessment GCSE GCE A Level Private Candidate External Candidate Prospectus Drama Statutory Information Trips Buster Keaton Dracula Jobs Certificates Vertigo After School Clubs Alamanc Evening Clubs And Activities Governance Results Governor
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