Hartismere School

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Spike Lee on Do The Right Thing's legacy

It has been 20 years since the release of Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing. The director tells Jason Solomons how his films - including She's Gotta Have It, Malcolm X and She Hate Me - have changed Hollywood, and how they haven't

See also...

25 Years Later, How Spike Lee's 'Do The Right Thing' Changed Race Relations In America


Do the Right Thing (5/10) Movie CLIP - Racist Stereotypes (1989) HD


Enrichment and Work Experience Opportunities in Film Studies

Movies | The Guardian

Props, Things and Do the Right Thing

Carol (2015) Behind the Scenes - Part 1/2

Captain Fantastic (final)

Meshes of the Afternoon - Maya Deren (1943)

GCSE Film Studies: Eduqas Timeline of Key Developments in Film and Film Technology

Do the Right Thing: Crash Course Film Criticism #6


Parents Evening :: Year 7

11E Charity Karaoke-cake sale. Raised £127.37p

Local Governing Body Information

Online safety newsletters


Natural Readers

Parents Evening :: Year 11

The Lost Boys opening


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