Hartismere School

Est. 1451. An outstanding coeducational secondary school & sixth form college and England's first academy

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5 Frames from Vertigo (Hitchcock 1958)

Caroline chooses 5 frames from Hitchcock's Vertigo and discusses masculinity, identity, voyeurism and critical reception. This film always gets a mixed response but Caroline confesses that she loves this film, so expect positivity! Sound effect from http://www.freesfx.co.uk


Thriller, The Film Programme - BBC Radio 4

Do the Right Thing: Crash Course Film Criticism #6

From Vertigo to Psycho, how Hitchcock changed the role of architecture in film

Is Vertigo the best or worst movie ever?

How To Edit: Do The Right Thing - A Video Essay

German Expressionism: Crash Course Film History #7

Captain Fantastic (final)

Connect (Short film starring Tuppence Middleton & Daniel Lawrence Taylor)

Visual Storytelling 101

Carol (2015) Behind the Scenes - Part 1/2


Local Governing Body Information

Parents Evening :: Year 11

The Lost Boys opening

Online safety newsletters

11E Charity Karaoke-cake sale. Raised £127.37p


Natural Readers

Parents Evening :: Year 7


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