7 Elements of a Great Movie Poster Design | Webdesigner Depot
Big movies are a huge business, as the recent success of films such as Avatar and The Dark Knight suggests. Billion-dollar revenue figures aren't all that uncommon today in cinema, placing many major movies alongside companies such as Facebook when it comes to revenue. With so much riding on a film's success, marketing one is a massive opportunity for creative designers. We've looked at some of the most effective film marketing materials out there – the promo posters that have been used on modern releases and older movies – and established some key elements that have contributed to their success. These aren't just commercial successes either – everything from smaller cult movies to huge blockbusters benefits from these 7 simple movie poster design elements. 1. Attention – jump out from the wall. If there's one simple sales formula that everyone in a performance-based position should know, it's AIDA. The four-step formula – attention, interest, desire, and action
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