'Dracula' Theatre trip. GCSE and A level Drama. 26th Sept. 4 Spaces available
Thursday September 2024
16 spaces available for Year 9 Drama
As part of both courses above, the students are required to see a professional production of a play
in order to write a review for their examination component. I have booked tickets to go and see the
production of ‘Dracula’ at the Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds for Thursday 26 September 2024 at
2:00 pm.
The cost of the ticket and coach fare is £22.00.Our preferred method of payment is by ParentPay in
which case there is no need to return the reply slip at the bottom of this letter. If your child is joining
us in September, you may pay by cash/cheque, as ParentPay will not be available until the new
term. If making payment by cheque (payable to Hartismere Family of Schools) or by cash, please
enclose this with the reply slip in an envelope marked “Dracula - Theatre Trip” and return to the post
box outside pupil services or in the maths corridor.
Should funding for this trip be an issue, please contact the school office on 01379 870315. Please
respond by Friday 13 September 2024. The payment is non-refundable. If your child changes their
mind and no longer wish to go on the trip, we require at least 7 days prior notice. If we are able to fill
the place we will refund the cost. If we are not able to fill the place or notice is less than 7 days no
refund will be given. If your child is ill and unable to go on the trip we are unable to provide a refund.
Yours faithfully
Mrs J Davy
Coordinator of Drama and Theatre Studies
The time is 1897. Mankind is on the cusp of vast technological change, scientific mastery and media innovation. But poised between traditional beliefs, the threat of the unknown and the shock of the new world, an altogether darker fear is emerging. As a new shadow looms large over England, a small group of young men and women, led by Professor Van Helsing, are plunged into an epic struggle for survival.
Stretching from London, through provincial England, to the mountainous wastes of Transylvania, Bram Stoker’s timeless gothic thriller embodies the struggle to break taboos, resist temptation and stop the unknown outside becoming the enemy within.
Information check list, Q & A’s:
DRACULA. Thursday 26th September 2024 2pm
What should I wear?
Non-school uniform (casual but not scruffy), sensible shoes, backpack if needed. Weather permitting sun cream, sun hat, raincoat; whichever is appropriate.
What should I bring?
Packed lunch to eat on the coach, no hot food, hot drinks, fizzy drinks or chewing gum.
Money for food/ program/ ice cream/ drinks.
Mobile phones/ cameras are permitted; however, they are your responsibility, and you must turn mobiles phones off and keep them in your bag during the performance. If mobile phones are on in the theatre they will be confiscated until we return to school and then handed to your parents.
What time should I ask to be excused from lesson?
At the start of your lesson, politely ask the teacher if you may be excused at 12:35 because you are on the Theatre trip.
This is usually 5-10 minutes before the coach departs. Make sure you visit the toilet before we leave.
Where do we meet?
Go to the bus bays for a 12:45 departure.
What time should we be back?
We should be back at school between 5:30 and 6pm depending on traffic, and you should be collected from the bus bay car park as soon as possible. You will not be able to go back into school to pick up anything you have left behind.
What is expected from me?
You are representing the school so excellent behaviour is always expected; on the coach and at the theatre.
Mobile phones must be turned off in the theatre.
No hot food or hot drinks on the coach.
Sometimes you can leave coats and non-valuables on the coach whilst we go into the theatre.
All litter (including food and drink) must be removed from the coach before you go home.
Make sure that you use the theatre toilets before or after the performance, or during the interval. You should not leave the theatre to use the toilets during the performance.
Will we be stopping?
We do not stop on the way to or from trips to Bury St Edmunds.
GCSE Drama & A level Drama & Theatre students
You must bring a notebook/ worksheet and a pen or pencil to make your sketches and notes of the performance.
Lastly, enjoy yourselves- not everyone can go on these trips
Adapted by Nick Lane, this brilliant, theatrical treatment of Bram Stoker’s adventure blends Victorian Gothic with the Contemporary, showcasing Blackeyed Theatre’s trademark ensemble performance style and featuring a haunting soundscape, powerful performances and innovative design for an exhilarating theatrical experience.
Recommended for age 12+
Running time: Approx 140 minutes (including interval)
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Drama A Level Drama GCSE Drama Mrs Davy Miss Baker Theatre Year 9 Options Biology Annie Term Dates Year 11 Supervisor Charlie and The Chocolate Factory Calendar Parent Information Year 7 Key Stage 3 Parent Year 10 Drama Oliver Charity Year 13 Year 9
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