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11E Charity Karaoke-cake sale. Raised £127.37p

Friday January 2025

11E Charity Karaoke-cake-sale- National Youth Arts Trust- 31st January


Thank you to everyone who supported 11E!

Pupils from 11E will be hosting a charity Karaoke cake sale for pupils during lunchtime Friday 31st January, starting at 1pm in the Lines hall.

Refreshments will be on sale: Cakes, drinks, crisps, cookies etc. So, please bring cash.

Entry fee to come along and watch is 50p on the door. Entry is via the silent working end of the Lines hall.

A signup sheet to take part is available in form groups. 


Mrs Davy 11E tutor.


The National Youth Arts Trust widens access to the performing arts for young people aged 12-25 from non-privileged backgrounds.

We give bursaries for music lessons, dance classes and drama school (recall) audition and tuition fees to those who cannot afford to fund themselves, we set up youth theatres and drama projects in areas with little or no artistic opportunities, we run a mentoring scheme for drama school graduates, and we bring children to the theatre – often for the first time.


Our bursaries, youth theatres and mentorships help talented students from the UK’s most disadvantaged backgrounds train in dance, music and drama.

The performing arts should represent their audience and be created by all of society, not just by the few. The National Youth Arts Trust aims to eradicate the inequality in the performing arts industry and to ensure a career in the Arts is accessible to all.

The National Youth Arts Trust was established in 2013 in response to the growing crisis in funding for performing arts education in the UK. The economic climate meant it had become increasingly difficult, and often impossible, for children and young people from non-privileged backgrounds to find expression, a voice and in many cases a career in the performing arts. NYAT’s aim is to provide these young people, aged between 12 and 25, with opportunities in dance, music and drama. 

We believe that Art and Culture have the potential to build bridges, strengthen communities and help us aspire to a fairer, more inclusive and more progressive society. Now, more than ever, we need to invest in its future.

But to do this effectively, the Arts must be accessible to all – regardless of a family’s income, circumstances or location.

Shockingly, just one third of UK primary school pupils currently take part in any form of drama, music or dance and only 16% of actors are from a working-class background. Cultural education has been shifted to the margins and those from the poorest economic backgrounds are missing out.

Lack of diversity in the arts is an acknowledged and longstanding problem. But when engagement and training are largely restricted to those from better-off families and backgrounds, only a narrow set of voices are being heard.

Our vision is an inclusive performing arts sector that nurtures talent from any background, where no talented young performer is prevented from reaching their potential because of economic disadvantage or a lack of opportunity in their area. 

With your backing, the NYAT is working hard to broaden the horizons of talented young people from disadvantaged backgrounds by helping them access opportunities, training and financial support.






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