'Green' Careers that benefit the environment
Young people want (and need) to be involved in finding solutions to our environmental challenges, so it’s vital that we provide opportunities to show them how they can play an active role within the world of work. Knowing how they can find careers that play a significant part in improving our environmental credentials should contribute towards restoring their
confidence in a positive and sustainable future.
In the simplest terms, green careers include roles within businesses that benefit the environment and conserve natural resources.
The attached PdF is a useful guide for parents.
Week beginning 17 Apr 2023: 'Life Lessons'
Week beginning 23 Jan 2023: 'Life Lessons'
Week beginning 24 April 2023: 'Life Lessons'
Week beginning 27 Mar 2023: 'Life Lessons'
CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance)
Week beginning 12 June 2023: 'Life Lessons'
Medicine, Health & Social Care
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