Hartismere School

Est. 1451. An outstanding coeducational secondary school & sixth form college and England's first academy

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The school day and routines

The School Day

The school is officially open from 8:55 to 15:40

This amounts to 33.75 hours per week


8:55Form Time and Registration
9:15Period 1 & 2
11:15Period 3 & 4
14:00Period 5 & 6

Please note: Students may access the school outside of these hours, for example: optional and extra-curricular activities.

In this section...

School Policies

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Hartismere Community

Local Governing Body Information

Remote education provision: information for pupils, parents and carers

Learning Support and SEND Information

Term dates

Admissions and Application Forms :: Main School and Sixth Form

Key Stage 4 and 5 Performance Tables

Contact us

See also...


Staff Handbook

Out of hours information

General procedures

School Plan and Map


Members of staff

Staff Photographs

New online safety priorities for Ofcom and effects of social media on children


Why Failure Hits Girls So Hard and How to Help Them Embrace It


Parents Evening :: Year 7

11E Charity Karaoke-cake sale. Raised £127.37p

Online safety newsletters

The Lost Boys opening

Natural Readers

Drama & Theatre. Further Education and Careers Information


Parents Evening :: Year 11


Hours Routines Registration TIME School Day Emergency Procedures Performance Test SEND Applications Address GCSE Forms Staff Information Calendar Cake Sale Wellbeing Notices Buildings All Years

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