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Cinema and modernism

Cinema and modernism

Modernism was concerned with everyday life, perception, time and the kaleidoscopic and fractured experience of urban space. Cinema, with its techniques of close-up, panning, flashbacks and montage played a major role in shaping experimental works such as Mrs Dalloway or Ulysses. Here Laura Marcus explores the impact of cinema on modernist literature.

See also...

Modernism and Film - Cinema and Media Studies - Oxford Bibliographies - obo


Expanded Cinema and Narrative

Do the Right Thing: Crash Course Film Criticism #6

Carol review: 'Cate Blanchett will slay you'

Vertigo Film Score Analysis

Film Education resource: House of Flying Daggers

Buster Keaton - Silent Film Era

Fallen Angels: A Wong Kar Wai Masterpiece

Is Vertigo the best or worst movie ever?

‘Captain Fantastic’ Review: Wilderness Family With Great Vigor and Viggo

Conversations with CAROL


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Parents Evening :: Year 7

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Examinations Modernism GCE ZEN Film Studies Cover Oliver House Of Flying Daggers Yimou Carol No Film School Avant-Garde A Level Screenplay Information Cinematography SOTD British Events Drama Productions

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