Hartismere School

Est. 1451. An outstanding coeducational secondary school & sixth form college and England's first academy

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A Level Computer Science

What is it all about?

A level Computer Science builds upon the knowledge and skills developed at GCSE by going into greater depth, particularly with the workings of the CPU, operating systems, web technologies and programming. We have had many successful students who have studied this without taking GCSE computer science, but it would be a steep learning curve.

What do we study?

The course is split into two units at AS (year 12) and three in year 13 for the full A level: 

1. Computer systems: What we learn about includes the workings of the CPU, how software is created and the different types of software, how data is stored and represented in computers, how data is transferred between computers and the impacts of technology.

2. Algorithms and programming: This is all about understanding computational thinking and programming. We do quite a bit of programming using C# to develop experience coding.

3. Programming project: In year 13, students have the opportunity to develop a piece of software of their choice for an end user. They will use an Agile methodology to design, implement and test the program. This is a substantial bit of work but allows students to massively develop their programming ability.

Why would it be useful?

Students have expressed how the problem solving they have developed in computer science has complimented work in other subjects. Even if not actively pursuing a career in the industry, knowledge of how computers operate can only help in the modern world. Every year we have students go on to study computer related subjects at university, degree apprenticeships or straight into employment. The range of careers in the computing industry is massive. There are industries within industries! You have software development, hardware development, database management, web development, cyber security, network management, and many more.


We follow the OCR specification

Taking A Level Computer Science

A Level CS: Algorithm Assembly Instructions

Toyota Virtual Plant Tour

How robots are taking over warehouse work

In this section...

Essential programming skills to learn

CPU Fetch-Decode-Execute Animation

GCSE Computer Science

C# Cook Books

Online Little Man Computer - CPU simulator

C# Yellow Book

Programming software

Sorting Visualiser

See also...

Sport and PE

Public Services


Design and Technology: Literacy

Useful Websites

Technology and Food Studies

Business and Media

Year 9 - cover videos for revision

Year 10

Student resources


Service & Leadership

Hartismere Art & Photography Exhibition 2023


Week beginning 5 June 2023: 'Life Lessons'

My Examinations

theoutdoorscompany Kit Order form

Bronze DofE First Aid Training and Camp Skills Day Letter

Week beginning 20 Mar 2023: 'Life Lessons'

Week beginning 27 Feb 2023: 'Life Lessons'

Week beginning 6 Mar 2023


'Dracula' Theatre trip. GCSE and A level Drama. 26th Sept. Spaces available for Y9

Year 7 tutors/parents evening

Woyzeck. Performance and workshop. 4 October 2024. GCSE & A Level Drama & Theatre

Summer 2024 Results

Mrs Doubtfire the Musical- London, 10th October 2024. Years 7 & 8.


Do the Right Thing - Screenshot podcast

Exam Invigilators & Readers for Exams


ICT Computer Science A Level CS Student Information A Levels A Level SEND Recipes Spike Lee Trips Year 7 Pastoral Games-Designer Design Music Quizlet Apprenticeships Results Hartismere exhibition Languages Key Stage 4

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