Hartismere School

Est. 1451. An outstanding coeducational secondary school & sixth form college and England's first academy

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Key Stage 4 and 5 Performance Tables

See also: school and college performance data in England (gov.uk)


School and college performance data for the 2022/2023 academic year should be used with caution: in 2022/23, qualifications returned to pre-pandemic standards. Performance measures that are based on qualification results will reflect this, and cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/2022. There are on-going impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools, colleges and pupils differently". 


In this section...

Sixth Form Online Application

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Sixth Form Curriculum and Programme of Study

Academic challenge and independence; attainment

School Policies

The school day and routines

Sixth Form Course Information

A levels: pre-reading and research materials

Admissions and Application Forms :: Main School and Sixth Form

Local Governing Body Information

See also...

Ofsted Report February 2010

Parents Evening :: Year 10

Parents Evening :: Year 9

Parents Evening :: Year 8

Parents Evening :: Year 13

Hartismere Ofsted Report 2014 :  Consecutively  'Outstanding'

SEND Information Report



Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag

Design and Technology

Vertigo Film Score Analysis

House of Flying Daggers: A Reappraisal

House of Flying Daggers – Ending Notes

House of Flying Daggers - Wuxia Romance

Under the Skin: Analysis of Film Form, Narrative and Ideology

Fallen Angels: A Wong Kar Wai Masterpiece

How Shaun of the Dead explores growth

Shaun of the Dead's 'She's so drunk' scene


Online safety newsletters

Drama & Theatre. Further Education and Careers Information

Parents Evening :: Year 11


The Lost Boys opening

Parents Evening :: Year 7

Natural Readers

11E Charity Karaoke-cake sale. Raised £127.37p


Examinations Results Test Performance Key Stage 4 Skills iMedia Alamanc BFI Rules Grades A Levels Week Staff Information Art Hartismere Yimou Shaun Of The Dead Health Safeguarding Challenge

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