Hartismere School

Est. 1451. An outstanding coeducational secondary school & sixth form college and England's first academy

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Movies | The Guardian

Latest Film news, comment and analysis from the Guardian, the world's leading liberal voice

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Movie Reviews – MRQE – the Movie Review Query Engine


Documenting Women's Rites: An Interview with Filmmaker Kim Longinotto

Props, Things and Do the Right Thing

Goodfellas, The Film Programme - BBC Radio 4

9 Scenes from 'Jaws' That Will Show You How Spielberg Does Cinematography

Nick Broomfield: 'I was a rebel, causing as much trouble as possible'


How fares the British film industry?

Composition and Framing in Film

Dracula Revision

There Is Much to Celebrate–and Much to Question–About Marvel's 'Black Panther'


Carol Concert 2024

New online safety priorities for Ofcom and effects of social media on children

Cheerleading competition

Behind Carol: the photographers who influenced Todd Haynes’ award-winning film


The ABC online safety checklist

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