Carol (2015) Cinematography Analysis
A short analysis of the cinematic techniques used to enhance storytelling in the film Carol.
See also...
Carol review: 'Cate Blanchett will slay you'
Cinematographer Ed Lachman, ASC, On Shooting “Carol”
Cinematographer Edward Lachman on ‘Carol’ as a Stylistic Foil to ‘Far From Heaven’
Behind Carol: the photographers who influenced Todd Haynes’ award-winning film
The Brilliant Subversiveness of ‘Carol’s’ Conventional Ending
Edward Lachman Shares His Secrets For Shooting Todd Haynes’ ‘Carol’
Under the Skin - Film Form, Narrative and Ideology
Buster Keaton - Silent Film Era
Solving the Many Mysteries of What Became ‘Carol’
ED LACHMAN talks the cinematography of CAROL: Interview Exclusive
Buster Keaton - The Art of the Gag
Carol Featurette - Story (2015) - Rooney Mara, Kyle Chandler Drama HD
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